Homelessness Awareness Week: Nov. 11-18, 2023

As a community, we possess the power to create positive change. This year, our theme for Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week 2023 is "Home for Every Heart". Our campaign will shed light on two crucial aspects of our work: the importance of supporting both the development of affordable housing, and amplifying the voices of those with lived experience.

Affordable housing provides stability, security and the foundation upon which individuals and families can rebuild their lives. Today is also Veteran’s Day, and it’s important to recognize that about 35% of the individuals in interim housing in our community identify as veterans. Our work to find long-term, affordable housing for all of the veterans in our community continues. Throughout this week, we will explore the critical role affordable housing plays in preventing and ending homelessness across the nation. 

To truly understand and address the complexities of homelessness, we must listen to those who have experienced it firsthand. Their stories and insights are invaluable in shaping effective solutions. Throughout the week, we will feature the voices of individuals who have walked the path from homelessness to stability, highlighting their resilience and the lessons we can learn from their journeys. 

As one of our Lived Experience Advisory Board members put it, “I believe I can help people, because of all the experiences I have been through.”

Join us in raising awareness, fostering empathy, and taking action. Throughout the week, we will host a series of initiatives aimed at bringing us closer to our goal: a Chester County where everyone has a safe, stable place to call home. Stay tuned for updates throughout Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week 2023! 


ALICE in PA: Number of Households in Financial Hardship in PA


Inactive Household By-Name List Exit Policy